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Coins for this gif
1000 gifvif coins = 1$
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GifVif coins are the rewards a user earns while using Gif-vif.com. They can then redeem these GifVif coins to Cash. 1000 GifVif coin is worth $1, and there are no limits to how many one can earn or use.
GIFVIF Coin symbol

Value of 1000 GIV

Total coins given to users
134052 GIV

Minimum Payout
How to get coins
Sign up
500 coins
Visit and Watch gif
5 coins or coins mentioned in gif post
10 coins
Share gif and Get 5 coin every time a user comes to us via your referal link
Where to use coins
Convert your coins to Cash
More things coming soon
Payout methods

Coins FAQ
What are coins
GifVif coins are the rewards a user earns while using Gif-vif.com. They can then redeem these GifVif coins to Cash. 1000 GifVif coin is worth $1, and there are no limits to how many one can earn or use.
Is there any Anti cheat system
Yes and Anti cheat system is always active. Users found cheating or doing anything against the system will be banned and their coins will be returned to system.
How can we get these coins
You can earn coins by Signing up to gif-vif.com, commenting on gifs, watching gifs, sharing gifs on social media.
Where can we use these coins
You can convert your coins to cash and much more coming soon.
What is minimum payout amount
Minimum payout amount is $10
What are payout methods
You can payout using Paypal, PhonePay, Paytm and GooglePay. Make sure they area available in your country. We will bring more payout methods in future.
Can we transfer these coins to other users
No, currently we are not allowing coin transfers
Where can i see my coins
Click on the menu section on the top right after login and click on "My coin"
Is there any limit on how many coins a user can earn
There is no limit set on earning the coins.
Can i get coins for free
Gif-vif.com host many event for earning free coins. Check out Announcement to know about upcoming events
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Value of 1000 GIV = 1$
GifVif coins are the rewards a user earns while using Gif-vif.com. They can then redeem these GifVif coins to Cash, donation and to buy ad slots on Gif-vif.com. 1000 GifVif coin is worth $1, and there are no limits to how many one can earn or use.
GIFVIF Coin symbol

Value of 1000 GIV

Minimum Payout
How to get coins
You can earn coins using following ways

Sign up
500 coins
Visit and watch gif
5 coins or coins mentioned
Comment on gif
10 coins
Share gif and Get 5 coin every time a user comes to us via your shared gif link
Where to use coins

Redeem your coins for real cash
More things coming soon
Payout methods
Coin FAQ
What are coins
GifVif coins are the rewards a user earns while using Gif-vif.com. They can then redeem these GifVif coins to Cash. 1000 GifVif coin is worth $1, and there are no limits to how many one can earn or use.
Is there any Anti cheat system
Yes and Anti cheat system is always active. Users found cheating or doing anything against the system will be banned and their coins will be returned to system.
How can we get these coins
You can earn coins by Signing up to gif-vif.com, commenting on gifs, watching gifs, sharing gifs on social media.
Where can we use these coins
You can convert your coins to cash, use them for donation and much more coming soon.
What is minimum payout amount
Minimum payout amount is $10
What are payout methods
You can payout using Paypal, PhonePay, Paytm and GooglePay. We will bring more payout methods in future.
Can we transfer these coins to other users
No, currently we are not allowing coin transfers
Where can i see my coins
Click on the menu section on the top right after login and click on "My coin"
Is there any limit on how many coins a user can earn
There is no limit set on earning the coins.
Can i get coins for free
Gif-vif.com host many event for earning free coins. Check out Announcement to know about upcoming events