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Please do not violate the copyright and privacy of others.
GifVif Coin Terms and Guidelines
User alone is responsible for User actions, conduct, and behavior while using the Services.

Unacceptable use or behavior/Activities that could lead to ban
  • If any user found to trick the system then account associate to that user will be banned.
  • Use of bots or any programs for the purpose to increase your coins.
  • Engage in activity, or use the Services in any manner, that imposes an excessive burden on Gif-Vif.com, or exposes either to excessive security, financial or reputational risk, each as determined by Gif-Vif.com in its sole discretion.
  • Engage in any behaviors that disrupt or negatively affect or inhibit Other Users from fully enjoying the Services or those of Third Party Servicers
  • Detrimentally interferes with, intercept, or expropriate Gif-Vif.com systems, data, or information
  • Access, or attempt to access, any feature of the Services that User is not authorized to access
  • Induce or encourage any third party to engage in any activities or behaviors prohibited in this section

Your coins can be redeemed to cash/used for donation or other purposes. User shall know:
  • Without prior notice or consent of User, Gif-Vif.com reserves the right to impose, in its sole discretion, restrictions on Transactions in order to protect User, Other Users, Gif-vif.com and its suppliers from legal, fraud, security or other risks
  • Gif-Vif.com will not be able to reverse any kind of Transactions
  • Gif-Vif.com reserves the right to withhold any transaction/process or settlement in user's account without any time constraint.
  • Any legal dispute arising out of user's negligence will not be entertained.

There is no coming back after ban
If a user has been banned by us for commiting fraud with the system then in no case he will be given access to his account or coins and his account will be forefeited. In rarest of rare cases, the account can only be restored after due diligence at sole discretion of Gif-Vif.com

Governing law
These Terms and condtiones shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New Delhi, India. Any legal dispute against the system will be discussed in Juridiction of New Delhi India.

Enjoy gifs and earn money
Coins are created for our visitors to earn money at the same time they enjoy gifs on our platform

*Guidelines can be changed without any prior notice to user.
*'system' means www.gif-vif.com
*'us' means owners and site morderators
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Value of 1000 GIV = 1$
Activities that could lead to ban
  • If any user found to trick the system then account associate to that user will be banned.
  • Use of bots or any programs for the purpose to increase your coins.
  • Engage in activity, or use the Services in any manner, that imposes an excessive burden on Gif-Vif.com, or exposes either to excessive security, financial or reputational risk, each as determined by Gif-Vif.com in its sole discretion.
  • Engage in any behaviors that disrupt or negatively affect or inhibit Other Users from fully enjoying the Services or those of Third Party Servicers
  • Detrimentally interferes with, intercept, or expropriate Gif-Vif.com systems, data, or information
  • Access, or attempt to access, any feature of the Services that User is not authorized to access
  • Induce or encourage any third party to engage in any activities or behaviors prohibited in this section

Your coins can be redeemed to cash/used for donation or other purposes. User shall know:
  • Without prior notice or consent of User, Gif-Vif.com reserves the right to impose, in its sole discretion, restrictions on Transactions in order to protect User, Other Users, Gif-vif.com and its suppliers from legal, fraud, security or other risks
  • Gif-Vif.com will not be able to reverse any kind of Transactions
  • Gif-Vif.com reserves the right to withhold any transaction/process or settlement in user's account without any time constraint.
  • Any legal dispute arising out of user's negligence will not be entertained.

There is no coming back after ban
If a user has been banned by us for commiting fraud with the system then in no case he will be given access to his account or coins and his account will be forefeited. In rarest of rare cases, the account can only be restored after due diligence at sole discretion of Gif-Vif.com

Governing law
These Terms and condtiones shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New Delhi, India. Any legal dispute against the system will be discussed in Juridiction of New Delhi India.

Enjoy gifs and earn money
Coins are created for our visitors to earn money at the same time they enjoy gifs on our platform

*Guidelines can be changed without any prior notice to user.
*'system' means www.gif-vif.com
*'us' means owners and site morderators
Still have question? Contact us